I feel like I've been talking about the Yeah Yeah Yeahs for an eternity already. I want to move on, but It's Blitz! has been sitting on my iPod for quite some time and I said I would cover everything I have (as I scroll past John Mayer I realize this could get embarrassing). That being said, I'll try to be brief.
Rock turning electro isn't a new phenomenon. Acoustic guitars turned in to electric ones, punk bands turned to the futuristic sounds of synths and electronic drum machines, and in the post-Kid A era more and more rock bands are putting down their guitars and picking up their laptops. And just as in the 80's, when the market became over-saturated with synth-pop, we are currently being flooded with redundant electronic pop and rock inspired out of Radiohead's digital evolution.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs could fall under either of these previously mentioned categories; just as their earlier recordings are largely influenced by punk and garage, It's Blitz! sounds as if it's inspired by both the transformation of that late-70's punk rock, and the plethora of digital-pop currently being released. In order to follow in this now age-old pop music progression of rock to electro, an artist needs to add something new to the formula in order for me to really enjoy it. Not only does It's Blitz! fail in doing so, it also lacks any guilty pleasure replay value many of the earlier imitators have had.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs could fall under either of these previously mentioned categories; just as their earlier recordings are largely influenced by punk and garage, It's Blitz! sounds as if it's inspired by both the transformation of that late-70's punk rock, and the plethora of digital-pop currently being released. In order to follow in this now age-old pop music progression of rock to electro, an artist needs to add something new to the formula in order for me to really enjoy it. Not only does It's Blitz! fail in doing so, it also lacks any guilty pleasure replay value many of the earlier imitators have had.